Functional Movement Screening
Dr. Gregory is certified in Functional Movement Screening and can provide this for new and existing patients. Multiple scientific papers have been published evaluating the screen related to various populations.
Functional movement screening is a method of evaluating patients to identify injury risk and to develop a individualized corrective exercise prescription. More information can be found on the FMS website.
He has also been trained in Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) which is a systematic whole-body movement assessment and treatment / corrective approach.
This provides a mechanism to identify deficits that are actually the source of your problem, select the best corrective actions and retest to determine if they are working, then advance or adjust to stay on track.
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Functional movement screening is a method of evaluating patients to identify injury risk and to develop a individualized corrective exercise prescription. More information can be found on the FMS website.
He has also been trained in Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) which is a systematic whole-body movement assessment and treatment / corrective approach.
This provides a mechanism to identify deficits that are actually the source of your problem, select the best corrective actions and retest to determine if they are working, then advance or adjust to stay on track.
Search for SFMA and FMS certified providers near you at